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Egg Dying ideas

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Easter is coming up this Sunday! Here are some unique ways to dye your hard boiled Easter eggs. 


Cool Whip tie-dye eggs

Spread some cool whip out on a baking sheet.  Drop any food colors you would like sporadically around the cool whip.  Drag a toothpick through it to give it the tie-dye look.  Once done roll your eggs around in the cool whip dye and let soak in for 10 minutes. Once you wash off the cool whip you should have some cool tie-dye eggs!


Oil Marbled eggs 

Dip your eggs in a one part mixture of vegetable oil, white vinegar, food coloring, and water to achieve the marbled dye look!



For the traditional way of dying eggs try using a whisk to dip the eggs into the dye/water mixture for clean and easy dying. 


Stay Safe Everyone! 

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